Ruempelstilzchen in Bielefeld
Kinfolk Magazine | Vol 9 | Work & Play
Kinfolk Magazine | Vol 9 | Work & Play
Kinfolk Magazine | Vol 9 | Work & Play
Kinfolk Magazine | Vol 9 | Work & Play
Kinfolk Magazine | Vol 9 | Work & Play

Kinfolk Magazine | Vol 9 | Work & Play

The ninth issue of Kinfolk is all about defining your weekend, finding the right balance between work and play and making the most of your days off.

• The new issue features stories and photos from our team in Portland, Oregon, and our large community of contributors from all around the world.
• Features include: Photo essays on the Art of Bed Making, the Lone Wolf Weekend, the Life Aquatic and Unexpected Soirées.
• Interviews with the publishers of Milk magazine in Paris, and the couple behind the Toast company in the United Kingdom, along with New York chef David Tanis and Tokyo chef Shoichiro Aiba.
• It features essays on daytime drinking, the case for sweating, jogging in public, making the most of weekdays, doing nothing, neighbors and swimming.
• We also have articles on the ideal farmers market, doing a digital detox program and protecting Saturday.
• Also included are many lovely recipes and a feature on our new cookbook, The Kinfolk Table: Recipes for Small Gatherings.
“Whether you’re reveling in the great outdoors, doing some marathon baking or just lounging on the couch, this issue is our guide to striking the right balance and making the most of our well-earned days off. I feel like a phony working on this issue, as mine rarely look like the chilled-out pages that follow. Like many of you, I often spend them typing away or working on a project. We decided to dig deep on the subject of weekends and leisure to re-learn how to do nothing, live more adventurously and embrace those two days, which are meant equally for rejuvenation and invigoration. Take our Weekend issue, kick back, slip off your shoes and simply get out there and enjoy some good food and your favorite people.” —Editor Nathan Williams

Das Kinfolk Magazin ist ein vierteljährlich erscheinendes, 144 Seiten starkes, werbefreies Printmagazin, das sich gut anfühlt, gut riecht und gefüllt ist mit den Ideen einer wachsenden internationalen Gemeinschaft von Künstlern, Autoren, Designern, Fotografen, Köchen und anderen.
Gedruckt in Kanada auf Naturpapier, wird jede Ausgabe mit schöner Fotografie, lyrischen Essays, Rezepten, Interviews, Profilen, persönliche Geschichten und praktischen Tipps, zusammen mit viel Liebe zu Design und Details gefüllt.

Kinfolk liefert Vorlagen für einen ausgewogenen, bewussten Lebensstil.

144 Seiten, auf Englisch

Hier geht´s zur Magazin Website und hier zur Kinfolk Website

AGB Impressum